


Join the After-school Literacy 志愿者 Team at 约翰·缪尔小学!

Read and write with young scholars at Muir 小学 to help them reach a critical 3rd-grade milestone. Sign up to volunteer for the after-school literacy team at 约翰·缪尔 today! 

正规的棋牌平台排行榜提供课后课程 约翰·缪尔小学 对于需要额外阅读和写作支持的学生. This culturally diverse school is located in the beautiful Mount Baker neighborhood, 在哪里培养学生,鼓励学习.


华盛顿州西雅图市霍顿街3301号,在Mt。. 贝克街区,只有1人.雷尼尔大道/I-90以南5英里处. 

  • 从山步行8分钟. 贝克站(轻轨- 1号线)
  • 从Walden/Rainier Ave S公交站步行4分钟(有公交路线) 714106)


  • Receive a 90-minute onboarding and training overview covering the curriculum and alignment with the Science of Reading.
  • Be part of a special pilot volunteer team modeling a new program in 正规的棋牌平台排行榜,
  • 由现场协调员提供支持.
  • Support students furthest from educational justice in achieving a milestone academic goal.


  • 志愿者轮班时间为周一和周二下午2:40-3:40.
  • 2/week availability is preferred, but if you can commit to only Mon or Tue that’s ok also.
  • 做三个月以上的志愿者. 


  • 对学习、多样性和学生有积极的态度.
  • 接受反馈和指导.
  • 对学生有耐心和同理心,同时抱有很高的期望.
  • An ability to interact effectively with diverse student populations.
  • 对你的学生和辅导计划的承诺.


  • 遵守导师行为准则.
  • 与一名小学生进行一对一或二对一的合作.
  • 遵循阅读伙伴的结构化课程.
  • 参加90分钟的导师培训.
  • 完成义工申请程序.


正规的棋牌平台排行榜, 我们崇尚多样性, 培养学生的文化和民族自豪感, 尊重母语.

  • Muir serves 70% of students of color furthest from education justice.
  • 30%的学生是会说西班牙语的英语学习者, 越南, 阿姆哈拉语, 和家里的奥罗莫. 


  • Receive four 45-minute weekly tutoring sessions for 180 minutes of extra literacy support.
  • Boost reading and writing confidence to support reaching 3rd-grade-level academic goals

Sign up to volunteer for the after-school literacy team at 约翰·缪尔 today! 

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 believes it is vital to engage families and community members in the life of the school as a community center of learning. 回顾以下方法,你也可以参与到SPS中来!

  • 正规的棋牌平台排行榜致力于创造一个 文化响应型劳动力 更好地为远离教育公正的学生服务. 考虑志愿加入我们,与员工建立联系, 获得指导机会, 然后看看教师职业是否适合你!
  • 需要观察时间来申请教学项目? Our school district welcomes future educators to actively fulfill this school application requirement through volunteering. 自处理义工申请以来, 定向, and training new volunteers to support educators and students takes time, we require a three-month commitment of at least one reoccurring weekly volunteer shift per week. 这个时间表允许员工提供深思熟虑的反馈, 指导, and potential recommendations to teaching candidates while guaranteeing your hourly requirement will be met. 
  • Are you in an undergraduate program for future educators and seeking an internship placement?  请让你的实习协调员 正规的棋牌平台排行榜的志愿者项目 讨论本科生实习合作机会.
  • 学生教学和研究生实习:  Please do not apply to volunteer with SPS; rather, inquire with your university about their placement arrangements with SPS. 的 following graduate programs have affiliation agreements with SPS for student teaching and internships:
    • 美国教育学院
    • 安提阿
    • 五车二大学
    • 中央华盛顿大学
    • 东部佤邦
    • 西北大学
    • 俄勒冈州立大学
    • 太平洋路德大学
    • 西雅图太平洋大学
    • 美国西雅图大学
    • 圣马丁大学
    • 凤凰城大学
    • 蒙大拿大学
    • 华盛顿大学博塞尔分校
    • 华盛顿大学西雅图分校
    • 瓦尔登湖大学
    • 西华盛顿大学
    • 西部州长大学
  • 与教学无关的研究生实习: SPS staff interested in hosting a graduate-level intern should contact their central office program manager or their principal to find out if SPS has an affiliation agreement with the prospective intern’s university. Graduate interns may not apply to be volunteers—they must be cleared through an affiliation agreement.

志愿者的需求因学校和一年中的时间而异. Below are some ways families of SPS students can support their schools, but please be open to the most urgent needs the school may present you with:

  • 午餐和课间休息支持.
  • Classroom or library help: Read or listen to students read in your native language, 整理书籍, 准备材料, 辅导数学, 和更多的!
  • 课前和课间:课间帮助30-40分钟, 在午餐室, 或者当学生们早上到达的时候. Your positive presence will brighten students’ day and help them be safe.
  • 失去了 & 失物招领:每月一次或两次提供整理失物招领服务.
  • 特殊人才:学校有独特的需求. 你会说流利的西班牙语、索马里语、越南语或中文吗? 你能在学习花园或机器人俱乐部帮帮忙吗?

志愿者 opportunities for community members vary greatly among SPS schools. 一些学校只关注学生的家庭, 而其他人则从社区寻求志愿者的支持. Please review the current volunteer opportunities at the top of this page (available Sept – April). 如果它们都不适合你,请按照下面的步骤操作. Our online registration process is not designed to match applicants with volunteer needs – please do not complete 网上报名流程 直到你的志愿者角色得到SPS工作人员的确认.


非洲之角服务 (HOAS) focuses on closing the achievement gap for East African students, 提高读写和数学成绩, 让学生有能力接受更高层次的教育. HOAS正在为课后辅导项目招募志愿者:

  • 了解东非难民和移民学生K-12年级.
  • 协助完成家庭作业并参与有趣的活动.
  • 请在网上填写 义工申请表 开始吧.


青少年辅导计划(YTP) 服务于小学,初中和高中青年. YTP is a great place to volunteer with SPS students if you are only available in the afternoon or evening. 在西雅图的五个辅导地点中选择, 西西雅图, 笔架山, 第一座山, 和哥伦比亚城. 辅导中心周一至周四下午4点开放.m. 7点40分.m. and each volunteer commits to at least one one-hour session per week. 在这里了解更多并申请成为志愿者!

导师中心位置地图:杰克逊公园, Yesler露台, 雷尼尔山Vista, 新冬青, 华盛顿湖公寓, 高点

Please note the 华盛顿湖公寓 location is no longer available.


阅读的合作伙伴 is an education nonprofit that mobilizes community volunteers to provide one-on-one tutoring to elementary student readers across four Seattle schools. 

志愿者 tutor and a student sitting at a desk in a classroom side-by-side smiling.

We seek volunteers who can commit a minimum of 1 hour/week for the school year. Tutors are paired to work with the same student and are provided with an easy-to-follow curriculum that includes all of the books, 工作表, 一步一步的教学计划. 阅读的合作伙伴 also has a staff Program Coordinator who is available to support tutors at all times. 辅导时间为周一至周五,上午8:00至下午4:00. We are currently offering both in-person and virtual tutoring opportunities at Martin Luther King Jr 小学 and 冉冉升起的新星 小学. Virtual-only opportunities at Sanislo 小学 and Leschi 小学. 在我们的网站上了解更多信息并立即申请!


Are you looking for ways to meet people, get involved, and give back to your amazing community? 我们的目标是连接志愿者. 观看我们优秀志愿者的视频 请访问我们的西雅图学校社区网站 考虑当前的机会.


想志愿做运动教练? Athletic coaches (both volunteer and paid) are required to complete additional ASM prevention training and national-level background check. 的 athletic coach role description and application are available on 地区就业委员会.

Some schools also have club sports volunteer coach opportunities (LaCrosse, 欢呼, 极限飞盘, 等). 请访问您喜欢的学校网站了解更多信息.

自助项目计划 regularly needs volunteer groups to implement school building or ground improvements, including:

  • 开发学校花园
  • 除草和覆盖景观区
  • 安装新的游乐场设备
  • 创作壁画
  • 景观改造
  • 制定一个概念性的总体规划